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Social Media Guide

Social Media Guide

The World Wide Web has certainly owned up to its name—it’s huge. The Internet and everything in it is constantly growing, and social media is no exception. With so much growth happening online, keeping up with the latest thing can feel like you’re always running to catch up. You want your organization to have a thriving Facebook page or Instagram profile. But, getting there isn’t always easy. That’s why we’re offering nonprofits this free resource!

Think of this guide as your key to social media success. Instead of trying to learn every feature of every channel at once, you can learn the basics and decide where to spend your time. We’ve got handy tips and helpful tools to show you what each platform offers. Plus, you’ll learn how each one can speak to your nonprofit’s needs.

Here’s what this social media guide will teach you:

The ins and outs of the most relevant social media platforms for nonprofits

Essential tips for each platform like post frequency and target audiences

Ideas for using photos and videos as a personal touch

How your organization can use these tools to boost your social media game

…and so much more! If you’re not sure how to handle LinkedIn groups or if Snapchat sounds like a strange and unfamiliar territory, this guide is for you.

This is a great resource for new nonprofits, nonprofits who want to up their social media game, or nonprofits with one-person social media teams. Even if you’re not a part of the nonprofit sector, you might learn something new!

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The post Social Media Guide appeared first on Nonprofit Hub.

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