Start a Nonprofit that Actually Survives

In this episode of Nonprofit Hub Radio, host Delaney Mullennix interviews Rebecca Rodriguez, Principal Consultant and Author of For the Philanthropist and The Nonprofit Workbook. A disproportionate number of nonprofit start-ups don’t survive and Rebecca’s mission is to make sure they do.

So, you want to start a nonprofit?

Delaney and Rebecca discuss the questions that should be asked before you embark on the adventure. Does your mission serve the common good, do you have a business plan, are there other nonprofits doing the same thing, understanding these questions in advance will help you avoid the common issues that keep nonprofits from getting out of start-up phase. Sustainability is about a lot more than just raising money.

You can find Rebecca’s workbook, Tips & Best Practices For Start-Ups Serving the Greater Common Good on her website and on Amazon.

Rebecca has served and worked in the social sector for more than 20 years. Working with nonprofit leaders to ensure program and organizational effectiveness she works with staff to get them to a place of sustainability.

With a fundraising background, Rebecca became interested in how to get an organization to a place of sustainability beyond raising more money. Whether it is at the programmatic or organizational level, she will come alongside to support and strengthen the business model, governance, systems & processes, and programs.

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