Collaboration Isn’t a Dirty Word!

Sometimes in the nonprofit space it can tend to feel like a competition where your organization is fighting against all the others for those donation dollars and grant money or to provide the services better than the organization down the street. But it doesn’t have to be like that! This week, Meghan sits down with Maggie Johnson Richardson to talk about how organizations can collaborate and work together to move their respective causes forward.

Maggie Richardson founded Jazzspace Consulting in 2012. She is an arts management professional with 20 years of experience in nonprofit management including marketing strategy, branding, collaborative partnerships, public relations, database management, and program development. Most recently, she has provided collaboration management for Arts|Equity|Reimagined and the Covid-19 Arts Working Group, helping 17 Western Pennsylvania arts funders work with small to mid-sized organizations on capacity building and collective action.

Join us as we dive into the uncomfortable word “collaboration”.

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